

 Since 2017 China has ENSLAVED more than 1.8 MILLION HUMANS in secretive INTERNMENT CAMPS, disguising them as ‘political re-education training centers’. Did you say the Educational Enslavement Camp for Families?  These camps have a point system.  Depending on how well you do in the points race will determine which HUMAN EXPERIMENTS you qualify for.  My next question is are people dying unjustly?  YES THEY ARE.  The purpose of Internment Camps is to DESTROY AND ERADICATE HUMAN LIFE.   The Chinese Communist Party is the HITLER of today, but A LOT worse. These Internment Camps are slave labor camps and human science experiments.  Let me break it down for you in modern day English so you can really get a vision for this ATROCITY.  

  • COMMUNISM - what’s mine is yours.  A classless system in which the means of production are owned communally and private property is nonexistent or severely curtailed.
  • INTERNMENT - is the state of being confined as a prisoner.
  • PRISONER - A HUMAN who is deprived of freedom and liberty against their will.
  • ATROCITY - an extremely CRUEL act involving intentional physical violence, torture, rape, injury or death.
  • CRUELTY - willfully causing pain and suffering without any compassion for the act committed 
  • SLAVERY -  is the ownership of a person as property.


The MASS IMPRISONMENT of HUMANS in these camps has become the largest-scale of ARBITRARY DETENTION since World War II.

    • ARBITRARY DETENTION is the arrest of an individual when there’s NO LIKELIHOOD OR EVIDENCE they committed a crime and there has been no proper due process of law or order.

Genocide camp 

A fake landscape picture as an entrance to the Internment Camp.  Notice the door bottom left.

  “the information flow from the area (has slowed) to a trickle, obscuring conditions”

  Ok.  Now that we what know what these words mean, lets review that article about the current CHINESE ENSLAVEMENT OF HUMAN BEINGS.

  IMAGINE if America was going door-to-door, starting this afternoon, and arresting your mom and dad before you get home from school, then arresting you too before they go next door and do the same thing.  When you get to the Internment Camps, you see your friends and neighbors there.  One minute your scrolling through TikTok and next minute, there’s a knock at the door. These men with guns  immediately eradicate you from your residence.  They don’t let you grab your purse, your meds…nothing.   Your pets?  They don’t get to go.  

  China decided that the best way to solve their problems was to capture, enslave, rape, torture, train, ‘re-educate’ and kill its citizens to get the desired results.  Back in the 60s and 70s Americans went to war with Vietnam to stop communism.  Remember the slogan? ‘Make love not war’.  This is where that phrase came from.  Total deaths top out at 308,220 HUMAN BEINGS killed in Vietnam between 1954-1975.  America used more than 19 million gallons of Agent Orange which was used to make people sick and ensure a slow, awful death.  But lets get this right, China is no Vietnam. 

        • COMMUNISM - A more detailed way to explain communism is a type of government as well as an economic system (a way of creating and sharing wealth). People work their entire lives and not own land, factories, or machinery. Instead, the government or the whole community owns these things. Everyone is supposed to share the wealth that they create.  
        • GENOCIDE-  is the intentional destruction of people..   Best defined, genocide is any violent method used to destroy one’s national, ethnical, racial, religious, sexual or gender personal preferences. 
          • Killing every threat to the plan.  
          • Causing serious bodily or mental harm.
          • Force children away from their parents.
          • Prevent birth.
          • Forced implantation.

   Victims are targeted because of their real or perceived membership to the Christian and Muslim faiths.  The targeted people are living in fear of ARBITRATION (false imprisonment). They constantly looking over their shoulder all the time.  How exhausting, right?  It makes a quick trip the grocery store a little scary if your a stay-at-home Mom.  

  The camps established in 2017 (like, practically yesterday) are operated OUTSIDE THE CHINESE LEGAL SYSTEM.  No Chinese official will EVER be held responsible by their own government for the enslavement of these HUMAN BEINGS.  The Chinese government is literally ERASING THEIR IDENTITIES.  While ENSLAVED, they regularly practice pervasive surveillance and involuntary mass collection of biometric data.  Women and girls are forced into marriage and other abuses including forced abortion, forced sterilization, and involuntary birth control implantation . They are forced to eat pork and consume alcohol.  Unbelievably, they have also become prey for organ harvesting and subjects for medical experiments.

 Americas response? 

”We continue to call for the release of those unjustly imprisoned in China for exercising their human rights and fundamental freedoms." 


 Call for the release?  Biden signed into law a bill that ensures American consumers and businesses can buy goods without inadvertently supporting China’s slave labor. Now that the Forced Labor Prevention Act is in effect and Americans have cleared their conscious, life goes on right?  No.  It doesn’t. 

As a species, I feel we are missing the mark.  Still, no one has come up with a solution to liberate the slaves in China without starting the third World War.  It would only take until 2028 to have 5.4 MILLION people enslaved in Chinas Internment Camps.  On track to blow by Hitlers numbers with ease.  

As we continue to forever shit on Hitler and the Nazi regime and the horrendous acts that were inflicted on HUMANS in concentration camps 85 years ago, we sit idly by and watch China do the same thing today.  Our response?  ‘We’ll give them a call’.  Sounds like our government is unwilling to stand up for HUMAN LIFE, preferring to act as the worlds leading idiots instead of world leaders.  While we remain grateful for the bill that protects Americans, we still have a major problem.  The victims in the camps still enslaved there today, and tomorrow and until someone steps up to the plate, genocide will continue to hide in plain sight.