Most of us have no idea we are victims… til someone else tells us.

Written in this book are modern day human and animal rights violations happening right now, committed on a massive scale. Here is how we can help each other find solutions to end the abuse and hold these people and companies and ourselves accountable for injustices against humankind. True story.

This is going to be a slow moving project until I can really dive into writing this book like I want. WAKE UP THE VICTIMS is a powerful piece sure to resonate with anyone who reads it or refuses to read it. it’s said, the more you push something away from you, the closer it gets. the abuse we see is bad enough; the way we all turn away from it, is worse… THAT is exactly the behavior addressed in this book. Change the channel; just don’t look. Every time that happens, its fuels the fire of ignorance causing more abuse against animals and humans. You’re a victim. We’re all victims. We are being conditioned to respond to the abuse like it’s nothing. Trained to just look away. ‘How did that happen?’, ‘I donate all the time’. We can’t just save the victims, we can’t just donate. We need to do more. Manipulating our minds to not see the abuses around us is extremely harmful to our brain! It creates neuron pathways that are alarmingly unhealthy. It sends a message to your brain to ignore your intuitive response and override it by the part of your brain that only makes up 5% of the conscious mind. Now, when your brain sees suffering, you unconsciously look away and pull out your wallet. Everyone leaves happy, right? Right. Because those are the instructions you gave your brain and your brain is like a computer program and will do as it’s told. People underestimate the power of their words against themselves and how much damage occurs to those neuron pathways when we talk bad to ourselves and to other people and animals. Especially when we know we are ignoring something really bad, but we keep trying to convince ourselves that nothing is wrong. THAT is what makes you a victim of YOURSELF. That is exactly the problem. This has gone on for so long that every individual one of us, including myself at one time, are just sheep…

The more your conscious self intersects with the line of truth, the more your soul can speak. Open your heart enough to see and stop this inhumane treatment to yourself. We need to stop using just our minds to solve our problems. We need to approach this state of consciously being ignorant from a space where change, happiness and bliss can be found. stop looking away and accept that this is happening. More importantly, accept you are doing nothing about it. Our souls are screaming for change. We have to stop looking away. Let your soul confront your ego in the silence of your meditations and let it resonate in the back of your mind. Because it is through finding those answers within our heart and soul that you will find your truth. The mind does not know what it does not know. Luckily, your spirit innately knows right from wrong, good from bad. We were ALL born with that ability. Because isn’t our destiny in life to find our souls purpose, isn’t that the reason we are here?

so why are we letting this go on? somebody help that lil’ guy out! when we know animals and humans are getting hurt, harmed, killed or tortured our soul is unsettled. It does not matter if you are consciously aware of it our not. it is your ego that is keeping you and so many others from speaking up. Its a proven fact that if you can get 2 or more people to focus on a particular concept, idea or image and let their guard down; that it significantly lowers the rationale of the entire group. So if we are all looking away because its too painful to look at; the dumber we get in our decisions to not act upon what our heart and soul wants… which is to truly help when someone is suffering.

We are letting this happen right in front of our face. Read about the injustices to humankind and examples of how we feed the ignorance and arrogance amongst us by staying sheep. The upheaval and unrest in your heartspace is a direct result of ignoring your souls purpose to give a shit. And it’s only until society as a whole can sit down and BE STILL that we can raise the rationale of the minds around us to make better decisions for ourselves out of LOVE, not FEAR.